iFixit Technical Writing Project Alumni Repair Stipend

Got a broken item that you’ve been meaning to fix? Need a little motivation to get started? Willing to share your repair knowledge with the rest of the world?

Now that you’ve joined the illustrious ranks of iTWP alumni, here’s an exclusive opportunity just for you.

The iTWP Alumni Repair Stipend is your opportunity to complete a repair with a little help from iFixit. If you have a unique repair project that you’d like to document on the site, but you need help defraying the cost of parts or tools in order to get started—here’s your chance! 

Use this interest form to tell us about your repair idea. If it sounds like your repair would be helpful to others (and a guide for the same fix isn’t already on the site), we’ll be in touch. 

Got questions? We’ve got answers…

Q: Who is eligible to apply for the Alumni Repair Stipend?
A: We welcome alumni from all years, majors, and backgrounds. As long as you’ve successfully completed the iFixit Technical Writing Project, you can apply for the stipend. 

Q: I am no longer a student. Am I still eligible?
Even if you’ve graduated and are no longer a student, we encourage you to apply.

Q: In a nutshell, how does the Alumni Repair Stipend work?
Figure out a repair you’d like to do. If your fix isn’t already covered on the repair wiki, iFixit will provide a stipend to help cover the cost of replacement parts/tools. Document the repair procedure, taking photos for each step. Create a guide on iFixit, so others can learn how to do the same fix that you just did! 

Q: How will my prior work on the site factor into the stipend?
Chances are good that we’ll take a peek at your past contributions to the repair wiki before awarding the Alumni Repair Stipend, so hopefully you’re proud of the work you created during the Technical Writing Project. If you’d like to update or polish up the contributions you’ve made, feel free to do so at any time. Since the site is a wiki, you can always go back and add to or edit your prior work. If it’s been a while and you need a refresher on how to edit a guide, this page will help.

Q: If I’m awarded an Alumni Repair Stipend, what do I do next?
Use the stipend to acquire the parts/tools you need to perform the repair, then get started on your fix. (Don’t forget to document the repair with lots of photos along the way… you’ll need those to create your guide on iFixit.)

Q: This sounds great! How do I get started?
A: If you have a repair in mind that you’d like to create a guide for, fill out this interest form. If your proposed fix isn’t already covered on the repair wiki, and it seems like it would be helpful to others, we’ll be in touch.

Q: What kinds of guides would be a good fit for the Alumni Repair Stipend?
The world is full of things that need fixing, so the possibilities are virtually limitless. We’re open to any and all ideas, from home appliances to car repairs, just as long as it isn’t already covered on the repair wiki. Here are a few examples of particular fixes that our community would love to see added to the repair wiki:

  • How to replace the ice maker in your refrigerator

  • How to replace the drum belt in your clothes dryer

  • Any other repairs that would keep devices in service—and out of landfills—for longer.

Q: I’ve got an idea for a repair. Can I run it by you?
Of course! Use this interest form to share your thoughts with us. We look forward to hearing from you!