Add Additional Information

This section should include at least three helpful links to the best online resources for the device. You can link to any helpful source of information, such as other repair resources, the device’s Wikipedia page, the manufacturer’s device page, product reviews, etc.

  • All links on your page should be formatted as clickable words or phrases, rather than long scary URLs. Here's how: Highlight the desired text, click the hyperlink button, then paste the URL in the pop-up field.

  • For the "Additional Information" section, add any links that would be useful to users trying to identify or learn more about their device. Include a brief summary of the information in each link to help your readers quickly determine which sources best fit their needs.

  • Remember that the main goal is to help the user, so carefully evaluate the trustworthiness and usefulness of links that you choose to include.

Proofread Before Sharing:
AI tools can help you catch careless and potentially embarrassing writing errors. Now that you’ve completed your device page, prompt AI to check your work for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You can also ask it to suggest improvements in sentence structure and word choice to enhance clarity. Always perform a final human review to ensure any suggested changes align with your document’s intended purpose.

Hit save and review your Device Page.

Send us a link to your work, and we’ll get back to you within two business days with feedback. Once you’ve revised your page using our feedback, let us know you are finished with the project so we can congratulate you on your efforts.

Incorporate Feedback:
AI tools can help you better understand and apply feedback. If you aren’t sure how to revise your work based on the comments you receive from iFixit’s technical writing team, prompt AI to help pinpoint specific areas for improvement and suggest edits that incorporate any requested changes. There’s no substitute for human communication, of course… so please reach out to the technical writing team if you’d like more guidance about how to apply our feedback.
A Lego figure petting a Lego horse

hold your horses!

Before submitting your work, be sure that your device page meets all the requirements. When you’re ready, be sure to email techwriting[at]ifixit[dot]com, saddle up, and gallop on through to the checklist.