Join a Team
Before you start your project, you’re going to need an iFixit account. You also need to join a team, even if you are working individually. Being on a team gives you student privileges that allow you to work freely on the site while preventing other users from editing your work-in-progress.
To register for an account on iFixit, go to the iFixit homepage and click on “Join” in the upper right corner. Fill out the prompts to create an account using your preferred name and school email address. Do not use “Sign up with Google” or “Sign up with Facebook” to create your account.
Then, go to the Student Teams Sign Up page to join a student team.
Make sure to select the appropriate information from the drop-down menus. If you add yourself to the wrong team, just click "Leave my team" and try again.
Make note of your team tag, which will appear after you click “Join Your Team.” This will be super important later, so don’t forget!
Team tags follow this format: School-InstructorLastName-T#S#G#. For example, if you are attending Cal Poly in Dr. Jane Doe's class, in Fall 2023, assigned to section 4, group 7, your team tag will be: CPSU-DOE-F23S4G7.
Hold up there!
You need to join a student team... even if you are a totally awesome team of one. That’s right, even if you are working alone, you need to join a student team before you go any further. On a team? Sweet! You're ready to move forward!