Final Guides
At this point, any changes from the peer review should have been made, and all pictures/text/markup should be complete and ready to turn in.
After making peer review changes, you can delete the corresponding flags from the guide by going into the Edit tab and clicking "Remove" next to the corrected flags.
DO NOT remove the "In Progress," "Student Guide," or "Member-Contributed" flags from your guides. We will remove these when we publish your guides.
Both the device page and troubleshooting page should be complete and ready to be scored.
DON'T FORGET to go back to your troubleshooting page and add links to your guides!
Finally, send us an email to let us know that you are finished—and if you’d like some final feedback from iFixit’s technical writing team, be sure to let us know. Lastly, don’t forget to send us your own feedback about the project!
Whoa there, dude.
Looks like you’ve got yourself in deep. Grab David Hasselhoff (or a friend) to help out and have them review your work. Milestone 4 is all about making your guides more polished than a freshly waxed surfboard, so carefully review all of the milestone guidelines. If you’ve done your absolute best, email us at techwriting[at]ifixit[dot]com and ride the waves of glory.